
Elusive Sleep

I am in a surprisingly good mood despite having such little sleep last night. Scratch that. Despite having such little sleep for the past 18 months.

The subject number one around here is weaning. I'm not in a big hurry, but if you ask everyone I come in contact with about the subject, you'll get an earful. Apparently once I wean this little bugger he will sleep through the night within like three days. I'm tired. Very tired. I may go postal if this backfires.

{The high chair is now a staging area}

Did you know that for every project I post on this here blog, there are really-no-kidding, 12 more lined up. Exponentially over the past 18 months it has grown to a monstrous amount. A majority of the ideas will no longer even work because they are for 12 months and under. And poor Luca could have had some really cute clothes by now. You should see the Heather Ross FFA II Oliver + S coat that I have halfway cut out for the past 8 months. Luckily on that one I thought ahead and started cutting a size 7. Let's just hope that I can make it and have her wear it before she turns 8.  That fabric isn't cheap.


greatjencreations said...

I think I've decided that some kids are naturally good sleepers and some aren't. When they're not, it doesn't much matter what you do because they're just not programmed for it. Mine aren't. I feel for you.

And I'm glad to know that your projects stack up just like mine do. Will it ever get better? I keep telling myself that I'll get lots more done when my little one finally does sleep well.

KID, MD said...

I'm with greatjen - mine don't sleep either. The 4 year old has only been sleeping through the night for the last year. The 2 year old (who we weaned at 22 months) gets up twice a night on average. Needless to say, the 2 month old isn't sleeping either.

I feel your pain. For the lack of sleep, and the endless "want to sew" list.

Emily said...

My two year old totally doesn't sleep, and he hasn't nursed at night for over a year. So,night weaning may not be your magic bullet.

I'm hoping to get a full night's sleep in 2013.

Sascha said...

Although I'm glad I'm not alone in this boat, I'm afraid we are all on a sinking ship.

Clover said...

I dont think we get good sleep again until they are teenagers and then well we will be old and probably cant sleep cause we are menopausal.

FYI mine is 17 months and wakes up once and I am still BFing.

Natasha said...

1st off, how have I not found your blog until now??! It's adorable! You're a very good writer missy. I've spent the last 20 min scrolling through your old posts which unfortunetely means I did not spend the last 20 minutes writing my post about how I got Sophie to sleep. (FINALLY!) But I will go ahead and tell you this, we got her in her crib (in our bed she just wants to nurse all night) & I started pumping every night around 8p, 4 oz or so & my husband feeds this to her at 11p. (a dream-feed it's called, you never really wake them, just stuff em & leave em) After that she slept until 8a!

Allie said...

I feel ya! Seriously lacking on sleep, and sewing time, over here. And my baby's only 7 months. FWIW, my daughter slept through the night before she weaned at 20 months.

sam lamb said...

Magic, schmagic - nursing has nothing to do with it! I think they sleep through the night when they are ready to, and every little person has a different schedule. At 19 months Milo is all over the place - he's still nursing but some nights he sleeps through, and then others he's up once or twice. I feel your sleep pain!

(If I were smarter I'd be in bed early to help manage the hour I'm up during the night and the full-time working hours I keep, but then when would I sew? Or read your great blog?)

Kimberly said...

I didn't know this was possible, but I love you even more now! I'm still nursing and co-sleeping at 17 months and I'm so sorry that you get this: but exhausted cannot describe how I feel. Or not. I've like, lost all feeling because I'm a walking zombie. Please keep us updated on how things go and good luck Mama!

Deb said...

I agree with Sam, my five year old weaned three years ago and she's STILL getting up almost every night "just to check" that I'm still here, or alive, or whatever her excuse is on any given night (yawn). And let's not even get started on my two AND A HALF year old who still isn't getting the message that "no nursies" means NO, the dairy bar is CLOSED. I think she just wakes up now to torture me for holding out on her, and (bless my heart as my Carolina neighbors would say), I must confess that I cave more often than not, but it's just in the wee hours and just b/c I reckon sleep matters more than holding my ground ;) Although I'm sure some parenting expert would tell me I'm way off on that one (and would probably be right, but the sleep-deprived have a way of being irrational like that).

Speaking of sleep-deprived though, I swear you are my long-lost twin. I could have written your post about projects, story of my LIFE, I swear. But I've really set myself up for it this time! My 7 year old has nothing to wear for spring, she's literally outgrown 90% of her clothes for that season and I'm on the hook to make it ALL. I'm lucky that she likes to wear the same stuff over and over, BUT, I'm starting from bare-bones here. I have mountains of fabric waiting to have its expense justified and the only "time" I have is after dark, after little ones are asleep, in other words, after what really ought to be my bedtime. So I opt out of sleep, and pay for it the next day (and all over my crow's-footed face).

So I hear you babe, you are NOT alone on the island :)

Sascha said...

Oh I love you all. Crazy-sleep-deprived-bitches unite!

Meg said...

Haha...I slept for so long last night. Baby is teething the past couple of nights, so I went to bed at 9:30 and my husband let me sleep to 8. Glorious. The baby did wake up to nurse, but I go with what I can get.

I feel ya on the WIPs. I am determined to work through the ones I have already started. The ones I haven't I am forgiving and moving forward. ;0)

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