
Once Upon A Thread

So Katy of No Big Dill had a fantastic month centered around sewing and children's literature. What a great idea! Those two subjects are quite high on my priority list. I've loved seeing the interpretations that came from her guest bloggers. When she first announced Once Upon A Thread I was pretty excited to see some of the books that people would choose. We love reading around here and I'm always on the lookout for new books to read to the kids.

Growing up, my mom read to me a lot of stories from the Brothers Grimm. Although the original stories are pretty scary, the cleaned up versions made for kids these days are delightful. One of my favorites has always been Rapunzel.

{This version by Sarah Gibb is especially nice because of the illustrations}

Since I love the story of Rapunzel (I also had fun taking Luca to see Tangled in the theater), I knew I would create something based on the story. My original project was a library tote made from Heather Ross FFAII Rapunzel fabric. I started the tedious task of embroidering one of the caste motifs. Like how I say started? About halfway through the project Cenzo got a hold of it and a pink marker. I'm just hoping it's washable. I have put it away for now. 

 Image from Rapunzel by Sarah Gibb

So I pulled out a project that's been in the to-do pile for almost a year. I think I have mentioned this coat a while back. I actually cut the pieces out a size larger knowing that by the time I got around to finishing the darn thing there would be some growth in my kid.

 {Label in the top left photo I made using twill tape, a little birdie stamp and a purple sharpie}

I used the Oliver + S School Days Jacket and Coat pattern to make a nice Spring Coat for Luca. The Heather Ross linen paired with a lightweight quilting cotton lining make this the perfect coat for our usually foggy coastline. The pattern was as usual written beautifully, and although it was more sewing project than I usually take on, I found I loved the detailed design. I made this in a size 7 and it's definitely roomy. It's good to know the design was made to accommodate sweaters underneath. I'll be making one of these for Cenzo next Fall. 

I know when you think of Rapunzel, a coat doesn't really come to mind, but let's just say that when she was finally rescued from her tower she was a smart girl and took a coat to go explore the world.


A year in the making

Seriously. This took me a scant year to make.
I used an Anna Maria Horner pattern that I got from a Better Homes and Gardens magazine called "Bags, Pillows & Pincushions". I'm not sure if it's a pattern she has published elsewhere. The weird thing is that I really can't imagine what possessed me to buy a magazine that cost $12.95. Whatever. Another strange thing is the quilting store that I got it from is also where I bought a fat quarter of the blue and white print that I am now realizing is most likely an Anna Maria Horner print since it is featured on the main photo for the Baby in the Hood Jacket from her book. Totally coincidence. Anyone know the name of the fabric? 

So it's cute and it's huge and the petals are sewn all wonky but I like it fine.


The Jacket Fits

So in case you were wonderin'...

The jacket fits. I made a size 2 for Cenzo who is just shy of 20 months. It fits just right and when I make it again I'll just cut a little outside the pattern lines for any given size. The hood seems really big, but it looks cute that way. Since I cannot get him to wear it on his head for even a nanosecond I don't really know if it is a big hood. I still love it and I'll weep when he outgrows it.


Reversible Zippy Hoodie : Kitschy Coo Kids

Oh my holy hell this jacket kicked my ass. I chose the fabulous Echino Cars fabric for the outer and a cream waffle knit for the lining. The lining was my mistake. It was wriggly and jiggly and it walked like it was some kind of high and mighty velvet. In other words it was a total bitch. I had intended to use the same interlock as I used for this shirt, but it was mysteriously in hiding. 

But here it is and I LOVE IT SO FREAKIN ' MUCH!

Oh, there are problems a plenty with this bad boy, but I'm forgiving. The zipper is not stitched in too well, the front doesn't match up (luckily I was smart enough not to use pockets), the inside knit stretched and bagged out so there are puckers, the snazzy little size 2 tag that I made is sewn in crooked, and honestly the list goes on, but oh I LOVE this jacket.

When I first bought the pattern I read the instructions once before I even cut out the pattern pieces. I was totally lost. Even though Amanda said to have faith, I was a doubter. So I emailed Katie from Kadiddlehopper, who has made a few of these and was a pattern tester and is a totally amazing seamstress, to ask her if it really would come together by following the pattern instructions. She assured me to just follow the instructions. Well, on Friday night I had a few hours to get started and on Saturday a few more. Tonight I did the finishing touches. Voila! It worked. 

A piece of advice to you all wanting to try this pattern. Do not mix a knit with a woven unless you are very comfortable sewing with knits. If you want to line it with a knit use an interlock that behaves most like a woven. Also, it will come together. Just follow the instructions. Oh and maybe for your first try, omit the pockets. I personally like the look without so I'm probably not going to make it with them in the future. I do want to make a bomber jacket using this pattern and omitting the hood. Maybe the next version. 

By the way the pattern comes in two size ranges for purchase. I bought the 18m - 4y and I am so totally buying the next tier of 5-8y. I really like it that much. 

Echino Cars from Esty (not available right now)
Lining cream waffle weave knit 100% cotton from stash


Quick Change Trousers

I finally got around to making the matching pants to this shirt. It's another pair of Quick Change Trousers. To say I am less than pleased is an understatement.

They look fine in the photos but there are a lot of little things that went wrong and they all add up to the pants looking quite home made. The back yoke doesn't match up (in the photo it magically matches up). Also, the elastic is twisted even though I un-picked it and straightened it out. Clearly, when I thought I was straightening the elastic I was actually twisting it again. The worst part was that I should have cut the knit a little smaller because it bagged out and the hemline is sewn very poorly.

I'm showing them in reverse but really you would never put the denim on the inside. They are comfy pants and I'm definitely going to make a pair in Lego fabric for our trip to Legoland. I'm also definitely not going to line them in knit fabric. Ugh. 

Totally unrelated but, remember these pants? They are a little short now and I'm too lazy to let them down. Cenzo loves them because he's kind of bus obsessed these days. He keeps pointing to the patch making loud "bus" noises.


It works!

... Thanks  to everyone that has left such lovely comments. It's so nice to hear from my readers. I love to hear from all of you. The play table is a success!

Complete with vroom vroom noises! Maybe it will keep that one busy so I can finish the matching pants to that shirt he's wearing.


Reversible LEGO Playtable

I'm so happy to be a part of Celebrate the Boy this year. In terms of Blogland it is my favorite time of year. This project is actually something that the entire family will enjoy. I've had this idea in my mind for quite a while and since we are going to Legoland for Spring Break next month, this is the perfect project for the Romeo kids. I decided since this is a Celebrate the Boy project that I needed to get some of the big boys around here involved, so Opa (my dad) came over one afternoon to work on this project with me.

My kids love to play low to the ground so I created a table that could be used with floor pillows or just hanging out on their knees. You can make a table with longer legs if you want to use chairs.


I made the Lego bag using this tutorial that was featured earlier in celebrate the Boy.


A post in which I may refer to myself as a jack*ss

I'm still working on my Celebrate the Boy project. I may have bit off more than I can chew, but don't let my slow progress deter you from laughing at with me. Have a look at my living room.

Since the only time I can get my craft on is when the kids are asleep, I've resorted to bringing the saw horses inside.

It appears that the saw horses have my picture on them. At least I'm smiling. 



A weekend of firsts

First of all we paid a shit ton of money for gas over the weekend.

Over the weekend we went skiing with the kids. Lot's of fun for the family except the baby is one season away from learning to ski. So I became the nanny while everyone else enjoyed the slopes.

There is a great organization called Discovery Blind Sports that trains guides to accompany blind skiers of all ages and abilities. I can't say enough about what a great program this is. What stands out the most is that the guides are all volunteer and do this on their time off. 

We have had a few different guides (all fantastic) but we love Jeff and always request him if he is available. He's super patient and easy going. 

I wish I had a semi decent photo of another first. Rocco was able to graduate into Horse and Buggy style skiing with his guide. In the photo (top left) he is skiing side by side which is the way he's been doing it since day he first started skiing. On his second day skiing this weekend he was able to switch so that the guide is up front (horse) and Rocco is in back (buggy), using the black and orange striped poles. This technique prepares Rocco for independent skiing in the future.

Did you just say INDEPENDENT? But he's blind! I know, I know... that sounds mighty dangerous. It's really pretty cool and it just so happened there was a 10 year old blind independent skier there this weekend and we were able to witness it with our own eyes  (Har har. Had to throw in the sight joke). Her guide skis behind her and calls out directions. She was amazing to watch.

Chef and I are snowboarders but that has all come to a halt. You see, blind snowboarding, not so cool. But blind skiing is totally where it's at. We started Rocco on skis when he was 6 and now it was high time Chef dumped the board and got on some planks. So Chef decided that this year he would commit to crossing to the dark side.

Luca is a natural and it was great fun for her to "teach" daddy to ski. They maintained the bunny slopes for most of the weekend. 

{My sister is also a die hard snowboarder and I had to text her a demeaning picture of Chef wearing skis. She texted back that he's a traitor}

Cenzo's first snow! Believe me when I say I was more excited than he was. He was more irritated that he wasn't allowed to go skiing. And more irritated about snow in general. Snow required the use of a hat at times. And dreadful mittens. This did not go over well. Especially on Sunday when it snowed the entire day. 

I saved the best first for last. My baby fell asleep in my arms. A total first (excluding boring infancy). I was able to get a hat on him (a first of sorts), and walk around the bottom of the ski runs cheering on my two little skiers.

Oh, and because I can't leave you all serious and weepy over my mommy and me photo, I've got to tell you there is nothing more entertaining than watching sighted people watch blind people. They totally stare. Duh. they can get away with it. And it just so happened a girl accidentally ran into Rocco near the bottom of a run and knocked him over (no harm done). You should have seen her expression when she read his orange bib. Priceless.


Sneak Peek

My dad came over today to help me with my "Celebrate the Boy" project. He totally doesn't get blogging and he was pretty confused with the picture taking for the tutorial I'm working on.

Here's a sneak peek at the project I'll be sharing with you 

Oh, and the giraffe shirt is adorable and still waiting for it's matching pants that I have cut out and ready to sew


Urban Unisex Hoodie {again}

It's official. I'm addicted. Although this fabric kind of annoys me (train repeat is awkward at best), I like the way it turned out. We've recently had a cold spell here in Northern California and Cenzo has been wearing one of these (other versions seen here and here) almost every day. Right now he's wearing this one with a pair of upcycled cashmere pants that for some unknown reason still fit him.

A little edit:
 He woke up from his nap in a surprisingly good mood. He's chasing the cat around the house with a comb and a cell phone. 

I think for my next hoodie I'll need to print out the next size up.

Train print PDF Jersey (don't know what that is) purchased from Fabric Fairy
Black T-shirt knit from fashionfabricsclub.com
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